Our History

Hertford Choral Society started from very small beginnings in 1938 with about a dozen members who kept singing alive throughout the war years. Thereafter the choir grew steadily, called itself ‘The Hertford Choir’ and enrolled as an evening class of the then County Council. By 1951, the choir ceased to regard itself primarily as an evening class and transformed into a properly constituted organisation (Hertford Choral Society), becoming a registered charity in the late 1970s. At that point it became recognisably the choir we know today.

Over its lifetime, the choir has rehearsed and performed in various locations in Hertford – and beyond. It has had twelve previous music directors and numerous excellent accompanists. With increasing size and more stable financing the choir was able to retain professional soloists and musicians and tackle increasingly ambitious works. The number of annual concerts steadily increased to the present four per season. Its repertoire to date includes all of the big choral works as well as many lesser-known and newer pieces.

Over the years, HCS has also built strong community links and valued traditions, such as links with local schools, charities and Hertford Art Society. As part of this it became the first UK choir to record an oral history of members celebrating its 80th anniversary.

A full 163pp history of the choir to that date was published in 2018 (ISBN 978-1-5272-2081-2). This is available to purchase at £10 plus p&p. Please email media@hertfordchoral.org.uk to purchase a copy.